Monday, May 20, 2013

Splat on a hot tin roof

No, these aren't the same photos I took two weeks ago. I'm having a do-over with the floating dock to the RV. Only last time, it was melting snow and I was merely carrying a box or two out to the RV here and there; now it is constant rain and I am living in in the RV again.
Lakefront property.

The weather has just not been nice for RV living. The rain this weekend has encouraged me to go out and hunt for animals two by two; I’m fairly convinced the thing is going to float away.

Nights continue to facilitate nightmares, in part because of the uncomfy mattress. Also in part, though, by the smacking of the rain into the roof. The aluminum roof just amplifies everything and I wake up from my bizarre dreams.

Earlier this week, we had the horrible wind again. I fell asleep, had some freaky dreams and woke up again. Lay awake for awhile and dozed off, had weird dreams again and woke up. By that time, the rain was just thundering on the RV and the wind was rocking it.

This is why I it is best not to
drink liquids after about 7:30 p.m.
I figured by that time, at least judging by the length of the wild dreams, that it had to be about 5 p.m. Uh, no. After hoisting myself from the gaping dent in the mattress, I found my watch and it was only 12:30. And that had been the second time I'd been woken up that night. Holy smokes.

Last week, I was able to sleep through the night but it hasn’t happened this week. And waking up to the splats on the roof in the middle of the night just brings on the urge to pee.

And man, there’s nothing less fun than having to heave yourself out of bed, fumbling for a light, then pulling on a raincoat, boots and tracking down a flashlight in order to trek down to the plastic outhouse at 3 a.m. Especially right now, when it's so flooded that water is encroaching on the door to the port-a-potty.

This is my view. Some people pay extra
for a lakefront view. I get it for free.
So this really makes living in the RV is somehow more depressing this time around. Even though I only have six months left I'm in here "until we're done." I don't have the house to look forward to; I’ve no idea what will happen once I hit the road back to Florida or wherever.

For whatever reason, that makes that little trek down the dock a little harder. And one I really, really don't want to have to deal with that in the dark.

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