Sunday, February 25, 2018

Lucky to go to Luxor

This really is my favorite part of the world. For whatever reason, I’m comfortable in the Middle East, even if I get hassled a lot. Let’s face it, the food is wonderful.

Stereotypical Egyptian photo.
From the museum.
When we in Istanbul granted a second R&R (meaning taxpayer-funded flight), I had limited options for when to go. I’d previously booked a week off in March and bought a plane ticket to go with it, and taking a week off after that would run into the “get extra approval for” territory, because you’re supposed to use your R&Rs before you have six months remaining at post. I leave at the end of June, so I was already cutting it close.

After toying with other days and locations – I wanted to go somewhere with a flight that cost more than the usual $250 or so – I finally decided to do the cruise itinerary in Egypt, which is from Aswan from Luxor. Note I tacked on “itinerary” after that, as I did not take the cruise itself. I priced a few (they’re all the same) and they seem reasonable on the face but when you figure in the single supplement they were about $700.

I contacted ASTI travel (I think it’s American Star Travel Inc. or something like that) and got them to price me an itinerary that allowed me to see everything on the cruise itinerary, plus do a few things in Cairo that I wanted to do. (Museum, souk and Coptic Cairo – I went to the pyramids in 2009.)

And it worked out well. I got to Aswan, way in the south, around 7:30 in the morning and immediately headed to the dam with my guide and driver. Had no idea the Nile had a dam, but has since the 1960s. The Nile, as you might know, floods annually, which is about the only water Egypt ever gets. The dam allows it to be regulated.

The dam is the second largest in the world, behind one in China that apparently I missed the opportunity to see. Wiki blurb:

Greatest hotel sign.
“The High Dam has resulted in protection from floods and droughts, an increase in agricultural production and employment, electricity production, and improved navigation that also benefits tourism.

“Periodic floods and droughts have affected Egypt since ancient times. The dam mitigated the effects of floods, such as those in 1964, 1973, and 1988. Navigation along the river has been improved, both upstream and downstream of the dam.”

Right on the lake created by the dam (Nasser), there’s a temple called Philae, so that was the next stop. It was moved from a couple kilometers away, something about the dam. (It’s a lot of history. I can only absorb so much, especially around 9 a.m.)

From Wiki:

“The most ancient was a temple for Isis, built in the reign of Nectanebo I during 380-362 BC, which was approached from the river through a double colonnade. Nekhtnebef was his ancient Egyptian royal titulary and he became the founding pharaoh of the Thirtieth and last native dynasty when he deposed and killed Nepherites II.

“For the most part, the other ruins date from the Ptolemaic Kingdom, more especially with the reigns of Ptolemy II Philadelphus, Ptolemy V Epiphanes, and Ptolemy VI Philometor (282-145 BC), with many traces of Roman work in Philae dedicated to Ammon-Osiris.

Cool photo but I have no memory of what this was
“In front of the propyla were two colossal lions in granite, behind which stood a pair of obelisks, each 13 metres (43 ft) high. Beyond the entrance into the principal court are small temples, one of which, dedicated to Isis, Hathor, and a wide range of deities related to midwifery, is covered with sculptures representing the birth of Ptolemy Philometor, under the figure of the god Horus. The story of Osiris is everywhere represented on the walls of this temple.”

Also went to the “Unfinished Obelisk,” which was begun in some century BC but abandoned when they cracked it wrong.

The next day, I headed to more temples on the way to Luxor, and can I just say I’m really tired of Chinese tourists? Oh my gosh. There were just packs and packs of tourists everywhere, some land and some cruise-going. I was one of very few who were not with groups.

At the Luxor hotel
I took a ton of pictures over the six days I was gone but am not one of those Instagram fiends, so I’m only posting a few, including the greatest hotel “clean up room” sign ever. That it was from the Happi Hotel makes it all the more awesome.

The sights on the way to Luxor included a lot of speed bumps and Kom Ombo Temple Edfu Temple, then I got to Luxor to the Maritim Jolie hotel (off Expedia) that was utterly fabulous. No, it didn’t have aa “do me” sign, but it was quite a resort. I could have camped out there for a week, easily.

But the itinerary called and Luxor temple … oh, wow. Plus, the Valley of Kings – tombs of Tut, several Ramses kings, and so on. Just incredible. And Queen Hatshepsut’s temple, too. Man, just incredible.

On the drive, I noticed a couple of hot air balloons and asked the guide about them. I had no idea it was an option, but he said he could try to get me a spot and, around 6 p.m., he finally called to confirm.

I’d done one in Cappadocia and it was phenomenal, so I wasn’t freaked out or anything. The big difference between there and Luxor was that in Cappadocia, it’s a thing. There are scores of balloons up every morning, but in Luxor there were fewer than 10. I was lucky to get a seat!

Screaming mummy
(In case you hadn't guessed)
Sunrises are always beautiful, when you’re watching one come up over the Nile from a balloon, well, all that comes to mind is that God is awesome. Seeing the Valley of Kings and Queen H’s temple from the air was just incredible. I mean, those ancient Egyptians were amazing engineers, architects and scientists. And seeing the contrast where the Nile regularly flooded to the limestone was amazing – it was just a line with green on one since and brown on the other, just as far as you could see.

Cairo, too, was incredible. The traffic, for one. Man, Istanbul is bad, but I really think Cairo is worse. I went to three places and it took from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. But the museum was completely worth it. They’re opening a new one in a year or so (maybe this year, I don’t remember) and I will totally have to go back. From what I understood, they have something like 5000 more pieces in storage because there’s no room for them now.

I bought the extra ticket to see the mummy room. Although you couldn’t take pictures in there, they had one mummy in another room that was “screaming.” Here’s a link to a story on that: The mummies in the no-photo rooms were fascinating and nauseating at the same time. I mean, I really was queasy. Looking at 4,000-year-old toenails, teeth and hair can do that to you. Or at least it did it to me.

One of the dead had been buried with a small mummy, which had been assumed for years to be her child. Here’s that story, pasted from

“In the early days of archaeology animal mummies were regarded as mere curiosities, often ignored or even thrown away after evacuation. Some were misidentified as the mummies of children. The most famous example of this is Queen Maatkare’s pet baboon. When her tomb was discovered, there was a small, mummified bundle present at her feet, which was initially believed to be her child. This puzzled archaeologists because Queen Makare was a high priestess who had taken a serious vow of celibacy. If this had been her child, it would have meant that she had, at some point, broken the oath she had taken as high priestess, raising a slew of other questions regarding her life. Whole stories, even a novel, have been woven around what seemed to imply an illicit relationship. Finally, in 1968, an X-ray was done on the small mummy, and it was determined to be her pet female baboon, not a child.

“The ancient Egyptians loved animals and preserved their beloved pets in hopes that they would accompany their owners into the afterlife. When a pet died before its owner, the animal was often mummified and placed into the owner's tomb to await them so that they could be buried together.”

You know, I really have nothing to add after that. There’s no easy segue from “mummified pet baboon,” so I will just call it a night.

Thursday, February 8, 2018

An endorsement for Cutco knives.

Since I finally have an adult job and like to cook, I decided last year to invest in some decent knives. After asking around and reading reviews, I went with Cutco, which are made in the United States. (Big selling point with me.) All the reviews I read were from people who’d had theirs for years and raved about them, like someone having been married for 180 years who’d gotten them at a bridal shower. (Yes, an exaggeration, but only a slight one.)
Not quite the same as mine, but close. Endorse fully.
He's adorable. Available from Missing Digit Workshop
through Amazon.

Even prior to settling on the Cutco knives, I bought a cute little knife holder off Amazon. It’s from a seller called Missing Digit Workshop, and it’s an awesome little Spartan holding a shield. The shield has slits in it, and you hang your knives in them. In addition, Sparty has his arm pulled back so you can arm him with a spear, which is held up by a magnet. It’s similar to the one pictured, only I went for the lower-priced model. My little guy is all light wood.

He’s also only got two knives attacking him so far, and he’s wielding off his enemies with a bread knife, not a knife sharpener. That’s all I’ve bought so far. And, to be honest, I rarely use the three knives on there because I use my ulu for most of my cutting.

I use this every single weekday for my PB sandwich.
It also slices fingers superbly.
What I do use – every single weekday – is my spreader knife. I paid around $60 for it, and it’s basically one of the greatest kitchen buys I’ve made. (Slightly off topic: another wonderful purchase has been the Zeroll ice cream scoop – also made in the U.S. -- bought to replace another not-to-be-named brand that snapped in half.)

It’s marketed as a bagel slicer/spreader and I use it to make peanut butter sandwiches. (Yes, even with an adult job, I still eat a middle school lunch.) As a result, I never bother to attack Sparty with it and just leave it in the utensil bin thing on my dish dryer rack. And, in the year or so I’ve owned it, it’s worked out rather well. I am careful with it and only put it in the dryer rack handle side down, just like I do the fork, spoon and butter knife that also pretty much reside there. And until this morning, never gave a fleeting thought to how I let my utensils dry.

In spite of this, the pancakes
turned out nicely.
This morning, I changed up my routine to make pancakes during the week. Usually it’s a Saturday-Sunday treat, but I have to work this weekend and I decided to move pancakes up in the lineup. (Geez, I feel like I am channeling Zippy in really winding up for what will inevitably turn out to be a letdown story.)

Pancakes from scratch are the easiest thing. Flour, salt, sugar, powdered milk, Clabber Girl’s baking powder, oil and an egg. I don’t measure and just throw the stuff in there, then add water and mix. Have to do the water a little at a time – there’s a method. This time, I was mixing with a fork (whisks are a pain to clean) and since it was still a bit thick, I added a bit more, then quickly shut off the water.

Owie. My sink isn’t very big, and my dish dryer rack sort of leans over. from the little side to the big "wash dishes here" side. The utensil bin hangs outside it and my wonderful spreader thing was a bit too close to the sink faucet handle. When I snapped the faucet off, I sliced the bejesus out of my finger.

Moral of the story:
This is a very bad idea for a kitchen setup
It’s not a terribly bad cut but boy, it bled a lot. I had to take time out from making the pancakes to dress the wound because it just bled and bled. I finally got it stopped, but since my bandages are so old I then had to use Scotch tape over the bandage to hold it on.  And I realized it was bleeding through since the little fingertip bandage hadn’t fit right in the first place. I got to work and got a proper bandage for it and have been dealing with the boo boo-on-the-index-finger situation ever since.

It’s a highly amusing injury because I keep telling people the truth – I cut my finger making pancakes. Truth is stranger than fiction, indeed. It’s one of those dumb luck injuries because there’s just no way this could happen (God, please take note: Not a dare!) again. I mean, the spreader is only serrated on one side. Had I whacked the butter knife, the spoon or the fork, I’d still have my blood. Seriously, what are the odds?

And really, if it had been any other knife, it probably wouldn’t have broken the skin. It’s a weird endorsement, but hey, slicing yourself in a freak accident while making pancakes is a sign of quality.