Sunday, October 10, 2010

Out of Utah and into Arizona

We left St. George today right after the games ended. Zippy's team went 1-5 and we hit the road. Tonight we stopped in the middle of the Navajo Nation in a place called Tuba City (named after an English bastardation of a Hopi tribal leader's name), where we've listened to FSU beat the crap out of Miami.
View from the ballpark in St. George, Utah.

Painted Desert, Arizona.

Painted Desert, Arizona - specifically at a place called the Navajo Bridge, which straddled a huge canyon possibly named Marble Canyon.

More of the aforementioned canyon.

Photos don't do things like this justice. It was quite amazing. I've only seen the Grand Canyon from a little tiny plane, so this is the biggest canyon I've seen from the ground.

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