But after pretty darn awesome flights and arriving a grand total of 10 minutes early, due to a late departure from
Side note: They were doing Cross-Cultural Solutions in
Anyway, back to the story – which is a boring one. My plan had been to take the train to Kech, since I’m more concerned with that itinerary. Plus, I was getting in early so I figured I’d just do the five hours of commuting, find a hotel and get my plan ready for Saturday. Saturday happens to be the Couchsurfing meet day there, too, and I hoped to attend and get some pointers.
But life intervened, as did an all-day layover at Casa. And it’s boring. No WiFi and not even good people watching. I did do a couple of things from my list, which were fairly sad because instead of collecting 10 maps to pass on to the flight leader, I have to report no such papers exist.
But I did get contact numbers for lost luggage. Not that I had a phone to call – my
Oh, story on checked baggage, too. I don’t look so good. Going through the security at
I had done that, but he pulled out another sack – the one with some chintzy gifts for my host mom, should I see her. And those would be bath gel and honey, forms of liquid.
I felt like a moron. Seriously, I hadn’t looked on them for what they were. They weren’t “liquids,” they were gifts.
But luckily, I was able to hustle them out of there and get them checked, so I won’t go empty-handed into Midelt.
Back to the wait. My bag did arrive on the 2:37 plane, unrifled through but missing the little sticker they’d put on it. It did have, though, a new one of the flappy tag things, which said “expedited luggage.” I was so happy to see it, and promptly took the pictures I was supposed to, of things like the baggage claim are and lost luggage. Personally, I hope to be able to send them without seeing them again. I’d like to lose that memory fairly quickly.
And then the train.
Except for sleep-deprived me. I did the transfer and got my ticket from Casa to
Although I listened to the recorded voice – in Arabic and French – I didn’t hear “
We kept riding and riding. I finally looked at my watch and it was something like 6:45. I checked the guidebook to see how long it was supposed to take and it said an hour or so. I then asked the girl where we were and she said Kenitria. I’d missed my stop.
We were stopped when I made that revelation so I hopped off and limped (my ankle is not liking this at all) over to security and tried to explain my plight. My Arabic tested at mid-intermediate but might have waned a bit.
The nice guy – God, Berbers are so nice – OK’d me to just get on the one going the other way in about 10 minutes. And he dragged me into the cafĂ© to point me out to the guard so he’d know I was on a paid ticket. I doubt he was supposed to do that, but I was really grateful. And the guy, realizing I was just beyond my capacity at that point, told me it was three stops and then he pretty much made sure I got off at the right place.
Which was
I’m now safely in one of the PC hotel haunts. Originally they said they didn’t have a room but when I asked if there were any other volunteers I could share with, he asked if I was a PCV. I said last year, yes, but I’d just returned and wasn’t now. But the ploy worked and now I have a room for three nights.
Honestly, I’m not sure what I am going to do for three days here, but I figure I will sleep late tomorrow, as I am completely exhausted. I need to go investigate real hotels for traveling students and see if I can get information on things like sites, group discounts, transport and hospitals. I also need to go to the Embassy and get some information, but they won’t be open until Wednesday; hence three nights.
My reasoning is this travel must improve. I pretty much hit rock bottom. It’s now 10 p.m. and I’ve had absolutely nothing to eat since 5 a.m. except for two breath mints that were fruity and not minty. (Passing through business class, I picked up one of the comfort kids in hopes of finding toothpaste. I didn’t, but the breath mints have somehow sustained me for 17 hours, and I’m headed to bed now.
My sketchy plan, which might have changed by the time I send this, is to track down internet and a phone card tomorrow. I might head out to the PC office (I think there’s someone there Saturday, and RPCVs are welcome) to use their internet in the mean time.
I also need to get a SIM card to let EC know I’m here.
But first, I will sleep as late as possible and hope the hotel people don’t have to wake up me because I slept so long.