The bad news: Possibly, the same thing.
Actually, I am grateful to be in one piece now. My attempt at wrangling didn't go too well. I never made it to the wrangling part, though. I never got out of the corral. Later, I felt like Christina McAuliff, only not dead.
Here's what happened, to the best of my recollection: Skip, the horse I was riding today, spooked big time as Brose, who was lowering my stirrups, had to take a call on the walkie talkie.

I do remember Skip backing up and backing up, and Brose holding the lead rope, trying to control him. The next thing I remember was sitting in a chair in the barn room with Brose standing over me.
After piecing stuff together, apparently Skip backed into something and further spooked. He flipped over and landed on his back, and I haven't figured out where I was at that point. I know I came out of it with a huge strawberry on the back of my right knee and a giant, softball-sized boo boo on he inside of the same knee.
My left ankle hurt at first, and by afternoon a tennis ball-sized lump appeared. Right now, that's the biggest concern.

Initially, I was freaked about a closed-head injury. I guess the Vladdy Konstantinov story is still fresh in my mind even though it was over 10 years ago. While sitting in the chair, Brose left and Will took over babysitting duties, and my memory came back, although I still don't remember coming off Skip.
But I was still scared about it and went into Laramie to get my head examined. It's still there, and intact. The imminent death prognosis was negative, although I have a mild concussion.
Sprains, too. The ankle is absolutely killing me and I'm icing it now. I feel like a truck hit me and I bet I am worse tomorrow, but it's at least my day off.
Update Saturday morning: We had a crew party last night and I talked to Brose a bit. He said he thought I was dead.
Apparently, Skip came up and over and landed on me. I remember nothing, which is good, Brose said. He said I was out flat for five minutes, and then I sat up annd mumbled incoherently for about 10 more. He radioed Brian, who came to help wrangle (since they still needed to do their job), and Will to come babysit me.
When they woke Will up, he was on automatic. He thought since someone came pounding on the door for him he was late for work, and when they said, "Skip flipped over on her" it didn't register. His roomate said after Will heard that, he got up groggily to get dressed and then all of a sudden it hit him what had been said and he tore out of there.

I am off on Saturdays, so this morning, after the 10-minute effort to get out of bed, I ate breakfast with the guests, who all are asking about me, and then soaked in the hot tub.
My neck is stiffening and I feel pretty much like I fell off a building, and most people tell me tomorrow will be worse. So I'm trying to fend it off.

I do hope to go into town today. If I do, Stephanie will likely go with me and drive since she's off. The doctor said I could drive after 24 hours, so by him I am safe, but it's my clutch foot and I am not sure I want to do that.
I am bummed I can't ride today. The director about had a cow when I said I wanted to. I really want to go out again.
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