Wednesday, August 11, 2010

On the road

Florida. Check.
Georgia. Check.
Alabama. Check.
Mississippi. Check.
Tennessee. Check.
Arkansas. In progress.

I'm refueling at Mickey D's right now, sipping super sweet tea and filching WiFi, on the first leg of my little journey.

So far, so good.

Besides the entire state of Alabama being under road construction, it's been fairly nice. And my little car is getting about 40 mpg, so I've only stopped for gas once.

I'll be doing that again shortly, though, as this tea will be running through me.

It's 7 p.m. Tally time now, and I guess that means I've been on the road 10 hours. I got a late start because I forgot to change my oil and Daddy did that this morning, as I printed out last-minute maps.

I will drive a bit more this evening, probably stopping in Jonesboro. Arkansas is not a lovely place, but the McD's has filled up with nice people since I arrived about 10 minutes ago (two tea glasses' worth).

I guess I'll be in Nebraska this time tomorrow. Yikes. I was thinking of checking out the little prairie thing that was in "About Schmidt."

I'd hope, since it allegedly spans across the interstate, that I could find it, but with me you never know. I did accidentally take 40 instead of 55 It's been my only false move, at least if you don't count almost getting on Interstate Something east instead of west after the fill-up.

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