Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Extended vacation

As of a week or so ago, I've been back in the United States for a month. It's still a weird feeling, although I really think I've dealt with it all fine.

Part of that, I think, stems from the fact I'm in Tallahassee, not Detroit. Since I haven't been to Tally since 1996 on anything but a vacation, I feel like that's what I'm doing now.

Although I'm not entirely sure that's healthy, I'm going with it. I'm working some -- helping write a book -- and applying for jobs like a mad woman, but for the most part, I'm doing the kinds of stuff I did on football weekends when visiting from Detroit.

This includes non-normal vacation stuff like gathering Goodwill stuff from the house, ripping down wallpaper, visiting Lowe's and Home Depot and doing extensive yardwork.

It's keeping me mentally on track, I guess.

No real leads on jobs lately. While at Lowe's I saw an "applications being accepted" sign and am tempted. I certainly wouldn't mind working in lawn and garden or something like that.

Parks & Rec has indicated I'm in line for a part-time gig of some sort, but it's kind of stopped at that. I did all the preliminary stuff but haven't heard from them in about a week.

Tomorrow I'm going to the Red Cross to see about volunteer work, then Friday I meet Elizabeth for lunch before heading down to babysit the boys until the shuttle gets launched.

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