Yeah, you heard that night, and, chances are, unless you
were a zoology major (like two of my fellow travelers, who were both vets),
you’ve never heard of it. So here’s a description, courtesy of Wiki: “The
takin, also called cattle chamois or gnu goat, is a goat-antelope found in the
eastern Himalayas.”
They’re rare in the wild, but what do you know, you can view
some in this kind of sanctuary that we visited. This is the same one, which we
were excited to see, especially since it was one uphill climb to get to the big
free-range pen that housed the takin.
Note the clothing. That’s the national outfit for the guys.
It’s pronounced “go,” although I forget how it’s spelled in English. The kind
decreed that everyone has to wear the national clothes to work and to school,
so basically if you see someone jeans, it either means they’re Indian migrant
workers or are breaking the law.
The answer to how to create the folds is that you put it on
like a big bathrobe, except as you wrap the one flap under, you then grab it
with the outer flap before bringing the outer flap around and then grabbing it
with the other inside fabric.You then taken both sets of fabrics and hitch them
up and fold them under, adding a belt to keep it all together, but you can’t
really see the belt because the top part of the fabric flops over it.
The men top the outfit off with what look like really high
trouser socks. Most wore shiny shoes.
The women’s dress, called a kira (I can spell that one) is
basically a really short jacket that folds over and a very long, slim
wraparound skirt.
So that’s the Bhutan lesson for today. More
photos later. I'm playing in Hong Kong this weekend.
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