Sunday, July 21, 2013

Moon over Minot

I took the moon photo last night. It was staring me in the face after a late-night run to the plastic outhouse.

The view at night is better than the one during the day, which is still and increasingly wet.
I splurged on a new pair of Chacos (current count: 6) and that’s pretty much all I wear, in part because I get wet walking out the dock. (And in part, let’s face it, because I prefer sandals to shoes.)

The rain is just torrential at times. Friday it just poured.

That was the first night of the fair, and I have tickets that were donated to volunteers to hand out. The Friday night’s winner got to see Tim McGraw.

The concert, like the Foreigner one I went to last year, was delayed. It got started around 10, I heard, and shortly after that, I went to take a shower.

Hope Village is across town from the fairgrounds, but I swear on the walk to the shower trailers I heard “Everywhere.” At first I assumed it was Luke’s radio in the RV next to me, but no. Neither was it in any of the other four units, or the dining tent.

Weird, I thought, and went on with my shower. It occurred to me it was the live music, but there was no way, I figured.

Later, as I was trying to get to sleep, I swear I heard “Live Like You Were Dying,” and I thought it was really, really weird. But again, I heard no crowd noises or anything else that might have indicated I was picking up something that was going on a ways away.

Turns out, that had to have been it. When I mentioned it this morning, people said yeah, when the weather and the winds are one way, they heard the race cars and everything else, so it must have been the real thing. I probably should have paid more attention.

I’d really like to get out to a show, but I doubt it. It just doesn’t look right if I win the tickets, even if it is 100 percent legit.

But Toby Keith will play Friday. I wouldn’t pay for it unless I was 100 percent positive Scotty Emerick would play, too, but I’d go if I were gifted a ticket.

And Emerick is not likely to be there. He is playing a show the following night in Ohio somewhere, not, I guess, that he’s a frequent on the tour anyway. I’d rather see that, honestly – stripped down, acoustic with other writers like Paul Overstreet. I’d way prefer that over standing among drunk people at a fair.

On Tuesday, I have another Music Night at the Village, and I’m trying to focus on that. Between now and Aug. 10, I have three community events and I’m going a little cross-eyed here. One I am merely attending but the other two I am instrumental in the marketing.

There is also some exhibition I’ll be at on August 19 or something like that, followed by a quick weekend in Winnipeg only to return to having to get two grant applications in by August 30. (Wait, or is it three?)

At the same time, I still have two big projects hanging over my head. Both of those require wading through my supervisor’s brain, and that is one scary place.

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