Saturday, July 21, 2012

Guess who's in charge?

 This weekend, I’m on my own! Our new village coordinator is out of town and I am the inmate in charge of the asylum. Yay!

It’s sort of a combination between cruise ship director, golf cart driver and stressed out flunkie.

I’ve already greeted (and forgotten the name of) our new cooks, who are entirely welcome since the last crew was a bit … uh, well I’d rather not say. And one of the cooks, half the married couple, has voiced a few complaints already. Joy!

But they seem nice and I think they’ll be fine. If they can produce some not-sour tea (let’s not just keep dumping new tea in the old … it does go bad) they will be my friends. The current guys don’t even remember to put out lunch.

And one of the issues was easy to fix. The complaint was the fact that the AC didn’t work, but I fixed that immediately by turning it ON.

Saturday morning, I had to wake up early to do announcements and all that and then had to do six loads of laundry to wash all the sheets. We only use the fitted sheet (the volunteers bring their own set) but it still took awhile.I saved time by using the golf cart, but I forgot I had to charge it (actually, I just didn't know how far it would go on a charge and pushed my luck).

I also cleaned the bathrooms, just dumping the trash and refilling the TP and PT.  Three hours total. This is a little insane, but it wasn’t like it was heavy work or anything, just time-consuming.

The other night I sat in on an orientation because I had to start doing them myself for the people in the groups coming in. I hadn’t planned on it. I mean, I’m working 12- and 14-hour days right now and I knew I had this weekend come up and I need to cover Steve.

So that night, I had just taken a shower and was headed back to my RV, assuming I was just going to faceplant and get some sleep. But Steve caught me and asked if I was going to sit in on the orientation.

My first thought was like, sheesh, no. I just want to go to bed. I’m not even wearing underwear, for God’s sake. But once I got back to my RV I realized I really needed to do the dry run and went back in. (And I did put on underwear.)

Saturday so far has been fine if exhausting but Sunday is just going to be rough. I need to figure out how to get food since we don’t get lunch here but I have no idea when the groups are due in.

Mostly, I’m just feeling totally scatterbrained today because there are so many irons in the fire.

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