Saturday, April 9, 2011

Half a world away. Almost literally

OK, so I have begun my journey to my new job. I’m trying to work up enthusiasm for it, but it’s not happening yet.

It’s still not real to me. I’d been hesitant to voice any particulars about the situation because I’ve gotten to this point previously and it’s fallen through.

But here I sit in the Tallahassee airport waiting on my (delayed) flight to start my trip, so here are the details:

I’ve accepted a job at The Jakarta Globe, an English-language newspaper in Indonesia. This is the same place I thought I had solidified a job last year. That went by the wayside but it’s popped up again.

Quite honestly, and I thought about this earlier today, I have no idea what my job description is. I think I’m a copy editor.

All I really know is I’ve agreed to a six-month contract with an automatic renewal for another six months. So unless they hate me, I hate it or I something else pops up, it’s a year.

My dog is devastated. My parents aren’t happy, but it IS a job, and it’s in my field.

Sadly, as bad as the pay is by US standards, it’s par for what I’ve seen in Tallahassee.

Half the circumference of the earth at the equator is 12450 miles.

The distance from Tallahassee to Jakarta is 10628 miles.

I hope this is the right thing to do. I just feel I had no choice. I’ve been looking and nothing has popped up, let alone anything related to communication. I’m taking the positives and as I told someone, even though I am not sure what my job description is, I’m going to be the best one of them there is.

It’s Saturday, about 4:30 p.m. Due to time changes I can’t fathom right now, I arrive Monday evening around 9 p.m. I had a plan to layover to Seoul but that fell through, so I’ll likely take a nap in the airport.

I don’t know about Internet access until I get there, so I’ll see you on the other side.

Almost literally.

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