Woe is Cocky [sic]!
It’s Orlando Public Schools’ spring break, which means we have my nephews.
They adore Kocur, or “Coaster,” as they tend to call her. Zac walks her with me and will just pet her and pet her. Nic likes to play with her tail, but he doesn’t abuse her. They both really do love her.
However, she doesn’t return the emotion. She tolerates it, and for a dog who’s been known to be a bit … um … unpredictable, she is extremely patient with my monster nephews.
She’ll look at me as they pet her, her eyes pleading. When Zac has her on the leash when we walk, she keeps glancing back to me, as if to say, “Just checking to make sure you’re not leaving me with him.”
Nic wanted me to take their picture together, and when I squatted down with the camera to focus it, she jumped out of their grasp and into my arms.
They tease her endlessly. A game of fetch becomes keep away, and Zac, especially, likes to fake her out by pretending to throw the ball. He’s constantly amused by the act; she is sadly, not bright enough to catch on and runs after the phantom ball, which amuses him more.
Their SB revolves around my poor little girl, from the walk when we wake up to them begging me to “make” her sleep with them at night.
Poor Kokey, or as it’s spelled this week, “Cocky.”
They’re distracted here and there, such as when we’ve been doing yard work. Nic in particular is a great little helper, gathering sticks and offering to operate the chainsaw. (If you think for a second that I contemplated the latter, you are dumber than my dog.)
Zac mostly looks for an opening with Kocur, and is slightly irritated that she opts for me, every time. Even if he has food. The boy loves my dog.
Kocur/Coaster/Koky/Cocky mostly got a day of relief today, since the four of us went out to see my little sister’s new digs, Natural Bridge Trails and Arena. She’s taking over as property manager and we checked out the property.
Unfortunately, it rained pretty hard so we couldn’t explore on horseback or 4x4, but it’s a nice place. Wendy and Sean need to move into the house.
Now, we’re back in Havana and Kocur’s being entertained yet again. Nic filled up her food toy, so her tolerance has paid off.
I’ve been cutting down trees, too. Nic’s been assisting with the scissor things (a technical term) but mostly playing with other violent things, such as the spear that Papa made him.
There are two of them and the boys have spear-throwing contests, although today Nic was solo.
Chief Osceola he’s not, but I Fear the Spear. Nic hasn’t quite mastered the whole “throw it away from people” thing and hit me in the leg. Fortunately, he has a bad aim so it didn’t puncture but it did bleed. Yikes.
Two and a half days left. I hope Kocur and myself can make it.
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