I’m really glad to be posted overseas right now. Yeah, Belarus has protesters resulting from the presidential election but here, there’s widespread evidence that the election wasn’t free or fair and the protestors entail people walking around with flowers. I’ll take this over Washington any day.
But man, it is really cold here right now. Last winter, it was warm and didn’t snow much. So far this winter, we’ve already more snow, ice and ridiculously cold temperatures than we had all of last year. This is what I expected during the winter but was spared in 2020; now I am just so very cold.
Today, I think the high was something like 3, but that’s better than it will be tomorrow. The good thing about the Hoth-type weather is that it’s too cold to snow. I’ve gotten a glimpse for the sun for the first time in weeks, but I did it from inside my fairly warm apartment.
We have a long weekend, but of course there’s no travel. I’m doing the same thing I did at Christmas – lining up a massage. There’s just not a lot else to do. At the moment, there is a project ongoing at the office and I’ve been able to get some OT but it’s really kinda sad when that’s what you’re looking forward to in order to pass the time.
The vaccine hasn’t made its way to us; last I heard it probably wouldn’t be earlier than March. Just trying to stay out of the way when it’s raging all around. Seems it’s getting closer; we’ve had a few cases at the office now, though, as far as I know, no one in my building.
Not that there is anyone in my building most of the time. I’m in the office most days but I’m pretty much the only one who’s in the office most days. I can do a lot from home, but it seems like the few days I work from home, there’s something right off the bat that I can only do from the office. And honestly don’t mind. It’s better than staying in the house all day.
The one plus of working from home is that I can go out to lunch once in awhile, but right now it’s so cold, I am not at all motivated to go outside. Too much Florida in me.
At some point this year, we’re supposed to get an ambassador. It’s gone through the Senate and I don’t know what steps come next, but at some point my life is going to shift into overdrive as far as work goes. It’s fine – it’s why I took this job – but at some point it’s going to get real and my head is going to start spinning.
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