Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Take me down to flashback city

I’m watching “Rock of Ages,” and I have absolutely no idea of what the plot is supposed to be, but it is so funny. Man, I miss 80s music.

The Foreigner concert at the fair last year was fun, too, in the same way. They referenced this movie and having had more songs than any other band in it. Classic 80s. So this movie is a trip, even if the plot is suspect. And Paul Giamatti is just to funny. So are the cell phones. And the hair. Seriously, what were we thinking?

Pretty much doing anything right now to take my mind off the weather. I’m really not thrilled with Mother Nature right now. She’s being a real bitch to Minot.
We had a week of temps around freezing and then boom, it sunk back down to the teens today. With snow and without sun. I was supposed to go to a meeting today and started to drive and just said screw it. I pulled on the pumpkin pants and walked in rather than tackle the roads. And it turned out to be a good decision because the meeting was canceled.

Tomorrow, though, I have got to drive. I have an 8:30 meeting and then 2-3 other errands I have to run before going in. There is a HUGE fund-raiser on Saturday and I am trying to get ready for it.

This thing fell into my lap. The marketing person for a local fast-food place contacted me to see if we could brainstorm some kind of fund-raiser. So I tried to come up with some ideas and then, back in October or something, went to meet.

Before I could pitch any of my lame ideas, she said, “So, what we were thinking about was donating 100 percent of the proceeds to Hope Village on a Saturday in April.”

Uh … OK! I pretty much tossed my ideas because that was just beyond my wildest dreams.

The company, Taco John’s, has been utterly fabulous. I am just scrambling to do my part of the work, which is minimal. I’m delivering hats and buttons and am getting representatives to the church on time, as it were. PK was on the radio today and Steve will be on the noon show Thursday. I’ve got commercials and PSAs and have Facebooked the thing to death.

The only thing I don’t have just yet is volunteers to hold signs. I have one of the two stores almost covered (the third store is the mall so we can’t flood it) but the other one is wide open. I also need to get people there who can talk about Hope Village if asked.

I can be at the one store for almost the whole day, but I have to go to the big one for at least two hours during the live remote. (Oh, yeah – Taco John’s is all in. It’s fantastic.)

So I still have a few kinks to work out.

This week is when things get rolling. We’re getting the camp ready, have the big fund-raiser next week along with another set-up-the-campus day. Then the volunteers start, and just when the campus opens, I have to dart out to DC for three days.

By the time I get back, we’ll be in the thick of things and it’ll be nonstop until I’m done.

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