Well, I've been back to America for about a week now and am trying to figure out which end is up. It's definitely weird, and I am almost to the point where I am more comfortable in Morocco, but this is how it goes.
Oddly, I left Morocco on 11/21 -- a year and a day after the last time I left. This time, I had much better closure and feel good overall about the whole mess.
I am officially employed with Rustic Pathways and unofficially am drowning. I came in late to the program and most (ie: all but me) people in my position have been with the company for awhile, so they know what they're doing. Or at least have a clue. I have little, and I am trying to decipher the emails and get my work done with as little harassment to others as I can manage.
Most people are on vacation now, since you get six weeks a year but it has to be taken from something like October to December. That hasn't stopped people from piling on the deadlines, and I am muddling as best I can.
My title is country director, which in the future will have more meaning but right now it means One Who Stumbles. There is so much to do!
Today, I am struggling through budgets, which are in Excel files. I have four of them, and they're closely related but still require individual input on 165 different lines. Hoo boy.
Two are for real and existing programs but two are for phantom programs. They CAN be real, if someone orders them. They're two programs for Australian teachers, and I am having a devil of a time trying to figure out what exactly that means.
Saturday, I am driving north to South Carolina and will stay at Karen's and help her with some catering. Fortunately, I can work remotely and it doesn't matter if I'm in Havana or North Augusta.
Kocur doesn't know this yet, but she is going. I've bailed out on my baby girl enough so she gets to make this road trip. I hope she is a good doggie while we're staying at Karen's.
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