Monday, March 18, 2019

I can’t keep up and you can’t make me care

No real progress on the assignment search. I have a job and that’ll continue; it’s just nailing down the assignment. Again, I have lots of time so I’m not sweating it but it’s just becoming more and more of a time suck.

For various reasons, three of the four from last update are not available, and I’ve mentally nixed the last one but it’s technically still in the running. And, because it’s just that complicated, three more contenders are in the picture.

A: Not a nice place, but the job I’d like at the grade level I’d like. Two years and, time zone-wise, not too far away. Due to hardship and other differentials, it would pay the most, I think, but it would also pretty much require a car.
B: A is at an “at-grade” assignment that goes all over an area for two years, like what I do now but over an entire area. Would necessitate living out of a suitcase for two years.
C: A higher-up position in an office that’s not my favorite but in a really nice location. It’s three years. Would probably also need a car.

A, despite not being the most attractive location, would probably be good for me. The thing is, no one’s contacted me about it yet. The date listed that they need someone is sooner, not later, so that might be it but who knows. I’m not wasting gray matter trying to figure it out. They get in touch with me or they don’t; no skin off my nose.

B is one I’d put in for when this whole crap started but I hadn’t heard so I thought they were ignoring me since I’m not available until so late. I’d banished it from my mind and then all of a sudden I got an email from someone about it. I replied that I was interested so we’ll see where it goes, if at all. Although I don’t like the idea of eating meals out for the next two years, I do like the idea of collecting Marriott points and frequent flyer miles. We’ll see if they want to talk.

Of those three, C is the only one for which I’ve already interviewed, and, being the red-tape inducing employer I have, I’d be expected to interview with two more people before committing, and so would anyone else who applies. I feel like I’d have a good opportunity to get promoted in the next three years if I was in that job. The downside to it is, there aren’t other people in my same position, which makes going on vacation hard. In that job, there has to be someone covering every working day.

Actually, that’s a beauty of B: you can go on vacation between assignments and don’t have to worry about your emails piling up.

I’m very much trying not to think about all this, but it pops up all the time because people ask or I get emails about it. Last week, my career advisor person sent a form letter to people who are yet unassigned to get a move on or be threatened with being assigned to DC. I don’t want that – housing is too expensive and I don’t want NoVa to get its state income tax claws in me – and since I’m not available until late, it’s OK that I’m still looking. I have a couple months before it gets serious.

And there’s plenty to do in the meantime. The weather is fantastic, at least today.  We had some serious could-hardly-walk wind, followed by a massive rainstorm on Thursday. I got home before the sky unleashed, then ran across to the gym to swim. Even though it’s just across the street, I arrived drenched but since I was jumping into a pool anyway it didn’t matter. I could see the lightning and torrential downpours but I was perfectly content to swim laps and work my shoulder.

We also got a first-run movie! Disney has some kind of deal with veterans, and they send a cast member to posts with the movie. The cast member, and I think a State courier, show the movie multiple times in a short time span. They do it as a goodwill thing for the troops, which is cool. We had, I think, six different showing including one outdoors on the side of a building. It seems like a cool gig, at least if you like the movie. Disney did it before with the last Star Wars movie. I think we also had a Mission Impossible one somehow, but I don’t know if that was Disney or another studio.

I’m not really a comic movie buff but it was fun, and I wasn’t doing anything else at 11 a.m. that day. Since I haven’t seen any of the other Marvel things, I was a bit lost when they were anywhere but Earth, but it was a nice way to spend an afternoon.

Sunday, March 10, 2019

What’s in Play

Even though I am now leaving Baghdad earlier than planned, I’m not leaving anytime soon. As I understand it, I can leave between Sept. 21-30. By all but historical and Biblical accounts, that’s pretty much a long way off. There is no rush for me to find my next assignment.

And that is one of the silly things (I was going to say “the silly thing” but reconsidered) about my job. Every few years, I have to apply to another job, except it’s not a job, it’s an assignment. No matter what happens (God bless tenure), I have a paycheck, even if no one wants me. The saying goes something like, “You have a job; you have to find an assignment.”

Finding an assignment is basically finding a job. There are lists of assignments that are due to come out, list of ones that are open now and then there’s word of mouth about assignments that might be coming out. There also seem to be some one-off heads-ups about others; I’m not sure if those wind up on some official list later or not.

My position, basically the bottom on the totem pole, has a bunch of openings. Unfortunately, the way it shakes down is that the ones that are at my paygrade are mostly in DC. Well, being on the bottom of the totem pole, even if it’s the higher portion of that bottom level, doesn’t afford me the ability to both live and eat in DC. I like visiting DC, particular when I am getting per diem, but those jobs don’t allow for that and I’d prefer not to. Plus, seeing as how I’d either have to live in Virginia or Maryland and thus give up my Florida residency, I just don’t want to go there. Literally.

Most of the jobs at my level are in DC. The few that aren’t require a language that I don’t have. In many cases, jobs have time to learn the language built in, but these particular ones don’t What’s happened is that all those jobs have been spoken for; the main list I’m looking at came out in September and what’s left is what doesn’t appeal to most people and what has had people sign up but bail out.

I really don’t want another job not at my level. The base pay is the same and the “differentials” vary according to site, not position, so in some cases, the lower-graded jobs wind up taking home more, but it’s a lot harder to look ready for the next-higher level when you’re not even working at your current level. And since I got promoted my first year in Istanbul and this job is also a “downstretch,” technically by the time I leave here I’ll have already been at a lower level for three years.

I realize it makes no sense to normal people, but those who work for my employer understand it, but it boils down to there are not a lot of jobs out there at the moment for my pay grade. There are jobs popping up all the time and I’m content to wait, but I’m being pressured to lock something in.

Since I’m not hot for DC, I found four alternatives and, geeklily enough, hammered out the facts. For me, the job is more important that the location, so I left those out:

Posts currently available


·         05 DCM OMS position
·         Winter –TED December
·         Zero differential
·         No language time built in, but FAST language course available 11/4-12/20
·         Three years
·         OK’d cruise
·         Post gets rave reviews


·         06 POL position
·         Summer – September 2019 TED
·         15 percent differential
·         Language-designated 2/2 Spanish
·         Area of the world I haven’t visited
·         Three years
·         Interviewing tonight


·         06 P/E position
·         Summer – August, but is vacant now due to coverage switch
·         25 percent differential
·         No language
·         Not a position I’d look at otherwise; incumbent said it’s 80 percent travel arranging
·         Three years
·         I know hiring person and will interview tomorrow.
·         Same bureau as a previous tour
·         Post gets rave reviews


·         04 HRO position
·         Summer – August/Sept 2019
·         Has been officially ceded to EL but is still showing on NOW list. (
·         Would require curtailing for 7/8 HRO course
·         30 percent differential
·         No language
·         Desired skill; would provide training
·         Two years

Of course, as soon as the figurative ink dried (does anyone use ink anymore?), option D got yanked. (The “ceded” part; apparently there are no takebacks.) And option A, the only one at my grade, was also ruled out of play.

So that leaves B and C. Quite honestly, if I had seen the full list at the beginning, not just the leftovers, I wouldn’t have looked at either. It’s not the cities themselves, it’s that B requires language and C just doesn’t scream my name, plus I’ve lived and traveled that part of the world heavily. But C pays the most because of the differential.

Since I spelled out the options there, I’ve had both interviews and both are heavily recruiting me. For B, Spanish is the stumbling block; it’s not just one of those things that’s nice to have when you take taxis or grocery-shop; the person in the position right now used language, especially written, in her work on a daily basis. And I don’t have it. I could start tomorrow and work at it, but if Peace Corps taught me nothing about myself, it’s that I am not a good language learner. It scares me.

The other job doesn’t sound interesting, but I know the people there and they like me and were trying to come up with a different position. Both those jobs are open because the person penciled in have lined up a different job in Foreign Service. The B one is trying to find someone who speaks Spanish. If they can’t, there’s paperwork they can go through to try to exempt the recruit to get in with out it, but it’s not a slam-dunk.
What happened for the C one is that of the two admin positions, the big-league person changed sports altogether, C simply called up the next person down to fill the spot. The position that’s open is, in a way, the AAA spot. Since they found out I’m available, they’ve offered to ask the call-up if she’d prefer to stick to her original minor-league team, so to speak, or stay in the majors. Since the paperwork has already been done, it’s her call, not the coach’s, although the league gets a say. I’ve said if that big-league jobs comes open I’d take it, but right now I don’t know if it is.

If it is, it’s an easy decision because the job is “at-grade,” plus it’s in the 25 percent differential city and they’ve OK’d me to basically take off January to take my cruise. But, like option D, it might be too little, too late.